One of the most used tricks of FASCISTS is to shift their EVIL deeds over to their enemies. They will accuse others of their own 'sins' to throw the bright lights of revelation off them! I see it happen all the time and believe you me 'I am hip to their dirty tricks!'. The deranged psycho puppets at FOX NEWS are perfect at this, as perfect as THE ARCH DECEIVER himself! In fact if I were a right wing RepubliKKKan, CHRISTIAN FASCIST myself, I would swear that FOX NEWS was actually being personally guided by LUCIFER and his host of DEMONS! 99 per cent of what FOX SPEWS puts out are nothing but RepubliKKKan lies! The rest is just fabricated baboon poop! Sorry to insult the poor baboons like that! Hitler and his Nazi propaganda machine were excellent at these down and dirty tricks! Point the finger at Jews, Gays, Gypsies, Tramps and Thives, accuse them of the very crimes that you yourself are committing! Works alot of the time simply because the public masses, and I hate to say this, are STUPID!!! Ever seen Jay Leno doing his 'Jay Walking' segment? SCARY!!! He stops 'regular' people in the street and asks them the most simple questions about history, politics or geography and most of the answers will astound you!!! Can I hear the word dumb? DUMB!!! No wonder the RepubliKKKans won for two elections straight! Not that they won fair and square anyway! Talk about pulling the wool over the AmeriKan publics eyes!!! And another dangerous NAZI bastard that is good at covering his EVIL in sheeps clothing is His Lowness Himself, THE POPE!!! Here is a superstitious old Nazi presiding over the most murderous, stupidest, most dangerous organization that has ever been established since the begining of time, spewing forth from his evil old wrinkled up purple lips the most harmful lies that have ever been used against the poor unsuspecting puplic!!! Accusing others of the very same thing, this Dope of a Pope, has constantly been guilty of - FASCISM! True fascism is the melting together of Church and State, the combination of a repressive religion and a police run rampant state working together to control the population with fear, propaganda and force. Claiming that they are getting their right to do so from GOD himself! Then turning around and accusing those who oppose them of the very same thing! And all to take the heat off of them! The LOWEST OF THE LOW my friends!!! This dangerous, decieving, demonic trick MUST be exposed! The liars at FOX NEWS and their Ludite losing cohorts in the RepubliKKKan Party, and right wing false Christian churches, must be stood up to, challenged, opposed and STOPED!!! We can do it! Jayne County says to FIGHT BACK!!! "Are you ready, are you ready to stop - HATE and BIGOTRY??? It is ok to hate HATE! And to stand up to those who preach the hatred of Homophobia - Transphobia - Racism - Sexism and Fascism all in the name of GOD!!! Beware of False Prophets! They are wolves in sheeps clothing! And you can recognize them by their deeds! And honey, I can smell them a mile away!!! Sincerely, Jayne County
-- Post From My iPhone