Homophobe Donna Summer On AmeriKan Idol
EXCUSE ME WHILE I VOMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! As if this joke of a show coudn*t get any worse! Let*s let this nasty bitch stomp around on white Wonder Bread. And it was sooooooooooooooo long ago! God sent AIDS to GAYS as a punishment! (Said Ms. Summer.) Now he has sent Donna Summer to AmeriKan Idol as a reminder that he still hates Gays! That just goes to show you what complete SHIT AmeriKan Idol is! White Wonder Bread cloggs up your colon and and eventually gives you stomach cancer. Like the anti Gay cancer that so called religious psychos inflict on us sane thinking people, AmeriKan Idol is, a SICKENING display of everything wrong with AmeriKa. Please quick! Someone pass me an empty container of SPAM.I gotta VOMIT angain!!! Jayne County