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FOX "NEWS" -The wost of the corporate media.INORMATION RADIO NETWORK -Right-wing religious wonkery.NEWSMAX -Worse than Fox, but web-exclusiveWORLD NET DAILY -The second most popular right-wing web broadsheet.SOUNDWAVES 2000 -more insane right-wing radio than one should ever have to deal withPROJECT FOR A NEW AMERICAN CENTURY -Be afraid- be VERY afraid.FREE AMERICAN -Conspiracy rambling with a right-wing flavorNEW AMERICAN -Another tiring "backlash" news site.FREE REPUBLIC -Home of the "freeper".PRAY FOR BUSH -Oh, please.REPUBLICAN PARTY -The worst, overall.ANN COULTER- Anorexic transsexual nazi freakshow- now, with breast implants.
BOYCOTT BUSH- Boycotting the major contributors to Bush.MICHAEL MOORE -The second-most hated person amongst the right.TAKE BACK THE MEDIA- Dedicated to exposing the corporate conservative media machine.INDYMEDIA- a huge global independent media network/community.MOVEON.ORG -The foremost grassroots liberal PAC.GREG PALAST- one of the few remaining investigative journalists worth his press pass.INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE- lotsa good info culled from around the webGLOBAL RESEARCH- Canadian Centre for Research on Globalization.UPSIZE THIS- Alternative Michael Moore board.FAIRNESS AND ACCURACY IN REPORTING- exposing the "Liberal Media" myth.DEMOCRATS.US- Online think-tank for Democrats.NOAM CHOMSKY- The official website for the preeminent author.KIDS CLEARING HOUSE- Kid's site for removing racism from politics.ART STRIKE CHICAGO- Atists using their craft to protest.BETTER WORLD LINKS- Massive political link site.HATED- Hated by many- loved by Liberals.THE MEMORY HOLE- Rescuing knowledge, freeing information.YBOR STOGIE- Large link collection.UNANSWERED QUESTIONS- 9/11 information community.VOTE AMERICA VOTE- Progressive/liberal voter mobilization.PROJECT FOR THE OLD AMERICAN CENTURY- Keeping tabs on the PNAC agenda, as it unfolds.MEDALIENS- News site focussed on the corporate media.TEXAS DEATH ROW- Anti-death penalty site.THE PEN- The people's email network.CHILD ADVOCATE- Working for the human rights of young people.THE POLITICAL JUNKIES- “The online equivalent of having a politically rabid, Democratic reference librarian as your neighbor.” STUDENTS FOR DEMOCRACY- Pro-democracy web board.THRU- THA- LOOKING GLASS- Commentary and art.U.S. GREENS- Media and info for Greens in the USA.DEFENDERS OF THE PLANET- Alternative liberal media.VETS FOR JUSTICE- Veteran's advocacy.BARTCOP- Incomperable blog.NRA BLACKLIST- Countering NRA intimidation.CANNED REVOLUTION- Anti-consumerist media. CAMERA.ORG- Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America.LIBERTY UNDERGROUND OF VIRGINIA"The People's Website"DEMOCRATIC AGENDA- 2004 and beyond (seems dormant to me). FOR ARNOLD'S SAKE- Marijuana law reform page. AXIS OF JUSTICE- System of a Down's political outlet. AMERICA FOR SALE- "This is not conspiracy theory- this is history in the making" TRIBAL MESSENGER- Wide-ranging commentary and news. CASCR- Committee for the Advancement of Stem Cell Research.WORK FAIR- Fairness in worker's pay.. SEPTEMBER ELEVENTH.ORG- Continuing investigations into the events of September 11, 2001.PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS OF AMERICA- Working from the Grassroots to take back the party. REGIME CHANGER- Become a weapon of mass dissent! STOP THE CARS- Anti-Oil site.GANDHI PEACE FOUNDATION- Mahatma Gandhi Research and Media Service. ADBUSTERS- Anti-consumerist megazine. OUT IN LEFT FIELD- Where Politics and parenting meet. JUSTICE FOR US- Worker's compensation law website. LIBERALS LIKE CHRIST- Christ, a LIBERAL? NOOOO! IMPEACH BLAIR- Getting rid of Bush's lapdog. THOM HARTMANN- Rennaissance thinking about the issues of our day. TV NEWS LIES- Corporate media watchers.SAVE WISCONSIN- Wisconsin-centered action page. BANANNA REPUBLIC- Not a democratic republic.VOTERS EVOLT- "A peaceful political evolution."POLIANNA- Bucking the dominant paradigm.DOWNING STREET MEMO DOT COM- Working to disseminate the most important document related to Bush's war in Iraq.FREEDOMTOWN- "Life, Liberty, and Happiness"SPINWATCH- "Monitoring PR and spin in the public interest"CRAYON PEOPLE- News and views for people of color MUSIC VERSUS GUNS- Fighting against government abuse of music loversRELIGIOUS TOLERANCE- Something we need more of, these days. LIBERALS UNITED- Message board SON OF SHUN- Bittorrent media forum. NEWSBACK- "The News Discussion Community" SAY NO TO EXXON- Here's hoping we can! REVOLUTION MEDIA NETWORK- Lotsa indie clipsYOUTH DEMOCRACY- You don't have to be 18, to have your say ALTERNATE FOCUS- Broadcasting the other side of the story
UNITED FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE- Worldwide peace action campaign.UNDERGROUND ACTION ALLIANCE- Activist network.. FREEWAY BLOGGER- A novel idea in postesting.BUY BLUE- Buy from blue-friendly companies. SPENDING LIBERALLY- Being politically aware with your buying. KARMA BANQUE- Brokering dissent.HOUSE OF SCANDAL- Working to remove the corrupt Tom DeLay.PETER THOTTAM- Personal activist page.BLOCK THE STREETS- Internet activist page.AFTER DOWNING STREET- Take action to expose the Bush administration's drive to war.POLITICAL SWITCHBOARD- Activist network.FIRE RON LEWIS- Dedicated to removing Ron Lewis from office INFERNAL NOISE BRIGADE - Raising a ruckus in a town near you! SAVE DARFUR -Working to end the Sudanese genocide OLD HIPPIE'S GROOVY SITE- Lotsa stuff
BUZZFLASH -Excellent news site- I check it daily.COMMON DREAMS- Where I go, right after checking out Buzzflash.ANTI-SHEEP- Alternative news site.METAPHORIA- Althernative news and Commentary.MAINSTREAM POLITICS- News site HARD NEWS NOW- News site- lotsa stuff. URUKNET.INFO- News from Occupied Iraq. BRAINTHINK- News site. OP ED NEWS- News site. DUCT TAPE FOR PEACE- Peace-related news site.WHAT REALLY HAPPENED- Anti-war news siteRINF.COM- Alternative News & Multi-Media Portal.VELVET REVOLUTION- News and media. CURSOR- Liberal news site.THE PEOPLE'S VOICE- Environmental, political, and social justice news.THOMAS MC- News site.FROM THE WILDERNESS- News site with "Peak Oil" tendencies. HERE IN REALITY- News site.ZMAG- Alternative news siteCOUNTER PUNCH- "America's best political newsletter"DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND- Excellent Democratic news blog.TRUTHOUT- Excellent news site.NEVER BE SILENT- News articles.STRAIGHT GOODS- Canadian news site.ARTS AND LETTERS MAGAZINE- Politics and arts..GLOBAL OUTLOOK- Canadian alternative news 'zine..THE MOSSADEGH PROJECT- Alternative news..APN NEWS- "Aren't you tired of partisan news?"ORB STANDARD- "Of, by, and for the world"WADING THROUGH WEASELS- Aren't we all?INDEPENDENT WORLD TELEVISION NEWS -Great start-up.LA SPECULA- Leftist news.