Sunday, May 20, 2012


4. Remember seeing any old western movies where supposedly the 'Indians' would dig a hole on the desert or in the sand or the dirt in some lost canyon or just outside of the village and stick one of their white captives in it? With just their heads sticking out? Then the 'Indians' would ride their horses over the person's head till their brains would gush out like green hog's brains! I always wondered if the brains were gathered up and whipped up into some good old. 'brains and eggs!!! ' Well, we all gotta eat !!! Or remember that episode of "Tales From The Crypt?" Where the jilted lover dug a hole on the beach and put her cheating spouse in it with just his head sticking out!!! Then the moon would bring in the tide! The waves got closer and closer!!! And the guy would start screaming until finally his gurgling yelling would for evermore be silenced!!!! Well, Sarah my sweet little body less head, what fun it would be to watch you enjoy such a creative way to go!!!!!!! I mean after all, getting shot by a right wing comrade of yours is sooooooo boring!!! I mean we all have heard it all so many times before!!! This gun nut fan of yours that you encouraged, verbally attacked a young girl before for getting an abortion. Screaming at her that she murdered her baby! Oh that must be so wrong but it is perfectly OK to shoot a nine year old girl that got in there way while your fan was trying to rid the world of that evil liberal Democrat JEW!! Like we haven't seen or heard of that kind of behavior from our history books or old classic films about WW11 or Nazi Germany or other criminal states throughout our history, where right wing bigots take over governments and countries to. 'save' all their fellow right wingers from all those mean old Socialists who only want everyone to be treated in a fair and honest way. Everyone to be able to have the basic human right to have decent medical treatment regardless of how much money you make or what race you are or what country you came from or what religion you are or what gender you are or who you choose to marry or what sexuality you were BORN as!!! Excuse me! I thought we were living in a place called America where EVERYONE deserves to be treated equally!!! Now it seems that right wing scum bags have changed our Lady Liberty to Lady Liver Disease! Because that is exactly what your backward bigoted way of thinking is. A LIVER DISEASE!!!! It can no longer filter out the right wing anti GAY and RACIST and anti POOR poison that is now changing our country into a HATEFUL nation of bigots and witch burners from the by gone DARK AGES!!! So let's continue to fantasize about torturing Sarah Palin!!!! Let's let it out! Get it out in satire with a bit of NASTY parody and comedy. That way we don't have to sink to YOUR level Ms. Palin. Of encouraging mentally unstable right wing thugs to go out and murder kids and kill liberals and Jews!!! So only three more ways left to fantasizzzzzzzzze bout torturing SARAH PALIN. Hmmm. Gotta put on that thinking cap!!! Of course I wouldn't stoop to your level Ms. Evil Impale Palin!!! But what FUN this is! And what good THERAPY!!!!! So you don't have too much too worry bout Ms. Palin. I would never be so disgusting to really encourage anyone to do any of these things to you!!! It would be wrong and only make me one of you!!! BUT what pleasure I get in imagining that I am in some Stephen King movie and you are the Wicked Witch Of The West and that a big Russian missile is about to flatten you like a Slavic potato pancake! Or that you drown in a giant bowl of borscht !!! Oh you know! That soup the Slavs make from beets!!! It's the color of blood which really is YOUR color!!!!! Yes that would be another cool, twenty three skid do, way of torturing you!!! Oh you kid!! Your state would hit the skids! If the Russians blew off your lid!!! Melt your snow! We all would know! That you just BLOW!!! So! On on to number 3!!! Let's get our creative juices flowing!!!! And remember Miss Thing!!! The pen is mightier than your penis envy gun that you use to murder animals and encourage your right wing psycho fans with! And Jayne County is coming for you!!! With pen, email, iPhone and Internet in hand!!! And I NEVER give up!!! AND I am not ALONE! Be afraid!!! Be VERY AFRAID!!!
3. This is a short one. ALONG CAME JONES!!! By The Coasters! So he grabbed her!!!! HE DID??? Then he tied her to the railroad tracks!!! HE DID??? And then a train started coming!!!! And then!!! And then!!! HICCUP!!! And then along came Jones!!! To save her!!! Oooooops!!! Too bad!!! Jones can't save you this time!!!! He was here in this country 'illegally!' Although his ancestors have lived here thousands of years! His land was stolen and the AmeriKan government expelled him as being 'Illegal!' And all because of bigots like you using all that patriotism and illegal immigrant bullshit as an excuse to persecute and make other human beings miserable! Oh my illegal JONES has been deported and here come the train bitch!!! And it ain't no Soul Train!!! And it ain't no LOVE Train either! It's a real train and you is tied to the track and you can't get free!!! This ain't no magic act and you is gettin' cut in Half!!! TORTURE time you third rate beauty HO!!!! "And you know, something is happening here, but you don't know what it is! Do you, Misses Palin???
2. GIVE SARAH PALIN a heart attack by suggesting that maybe her upstanding Christian upbringing of her picture perfect Christian HO daughters may actually really do the Christian thing and get married FIRST before having anymore little right wing bastard bigot brats. And we've all heard of what snotty little anti Gay bitch whores, Sarah Palin's HARLOT daughters are! Family Values?? Ha!!! Lying, hypocritical little whores!!! MS. Palin has done a really shitty job of raising her selfish, UGLY humped backed, sea whales she calls her daughters !!! I've seen prettier faces on a cornbread battered fried catfish than on those pathetic ugly little turtles!!! One of them is so humped backed that you could open up a ski resort on her back!!! And she has no neck!!! What did Sarah Palin do? Fuck a giant sea turtle and push evolution back a half million years?!? And what man in his right mind would want to fuck Sarah Palins reptilian daughters!!!??? Just go down to Pet Smart and buy yourself a pet SNAKE. After all that is what the Palin family really are! SNAKES. Rumor has it that some of Ms. Palin's relatives were actually hanging out in The Garden Of Eden. And that her relatives were so ugly that Satan himself handed the apple back to poor Sarah's folk cause even Lucifer himself was too repulsed to get his giant snake hard enough to stick it up any of Ms. Palin's relatives holes!!! ANY of their holes! Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie! Fuck Sarah Palin and you will die! Be cast out of Paradise for ADULTERY! Of course Sarah's daughter has money and that would be the only reason anyone, male, female, or LIZARD would want to fuck them!!!!! So let's give Sarah Palin a heart attack and see if we can find something at least half alive that would want to give her hump backed whale, fried catfish of a daughter a good fucking AFTER they are married and settle in with a fine, decent, Christian marriage! Approved of by GOD herself!!! Sarah Palin is having a heart attack!!! OMG!!! She is laying across the road next to a poor little possum that's been hit by an electric car! Someone please do something to help! Push that bigoted bitch out of the road in to the ditch so I can get to that poor little possum and take it to the Vet!!!
1. Well it's really hard to think up another way to torture Sorry Sarah, after all those other anti Sarah Sewage, rants and raves! But the way I think that our Salty Sorry Sarah can be best tortured is for her to be SHUNNED by all decent, free thinking people everywhere! She already is a festering sore spot in her own party! And this latest incident, where she has made such an embarrrrrrasssssssing display of her ignorance and insensitivity, has even RepubliKKKans rolling their eyes and realizing for once and for all , that she has absolutely NO CHANCE in Heaven or HELL of ever becoming Dictator of The U. S. A!!! Thank U Isis!!! Praise be to Asteroth!!! Help me Bast!!! The fact that this nasty, piece of rat turd, is the biggest LOSER on the face of earth or in our entire Galaxy, is enough to torture her for the rest of her miserable life! And to top all that off , she is a sorry quitter! She ran out on her own Governorship! Whose to say that she wouldn't do the same thing as President! ?!? This pathetic creature is one huge toilet bowl full of pink and green, psychedelic shit! She needs to be flushed down the sewage pipes along with all the rest of her cave dwelling, flatworm friends! Total loser!!! She has quite simply BLOWN it!!! Of course if she did run for president it would be the best news for the Dems ever! It would assure them another term! Sarah Sewage running for president is a sure win for the disappointing Dems! So Sarah is at this moment being tortured to death!!! She finally realizes her chances of ever being considered a serious choice for her Neanderthal RepubliKKKan cohorts are as slim as a skinny raccoon turd! I hope Ms. Palin will finally fuck off back to cold, ice caked AlasKKKa!!! Maybe with luck she will book herself a very long skying trip! Right off the fucking planet! I here it's extremely cold on non planet Pluto, so I bet the skying there would be simply fantabulous!!! Or better yet, maybe we could pray to Cat Goddess Bast, that Miss Ice Queen, will get lost or fall off a giant polar cap, and become encased in a block of ice for about 50 thousand years or more, only to be discovered, much to their horror, by future super intelligent beings! They could thaw out Ms. Palin like a giant Mastadon, and be totally shocked and repulsed by her backward way of thinking! They would be shocked at the sheer ignorance and low intelligence level of this cave dwelling human worm from man's ancient past! Poor Sarah!!! You are such a poor misunderstood, TORTURED soul! Oh excuse me! I forgot! Sarah Palin dosn't have a soul!!! She's an empty shell of an excuse, for a human being! No soul! No class! No brain! And even The Great And Powerful OZ can't help the poor TORTURED baby wolf murderer!!! Sarah Palin! You are a pathetic, tortured, BITCH FROM HELL!!! Go back to AlasKKKa, you smelly hairy Mastadon from the Crustykuntapationonic Ice Age!!! I spit on your ice cubes!!!