FRED THOMPSON - You can*t even act even with a decent script, how the HELL you gonna run (Ruin!) the damn country???????? You should have given up when your High School math teacher told you to go work at McDonalds! JOHN MACAIN - The Vietnam War is over you asshole, AND we lost!!!!!! Shut the fuck up!!! MIKE FUCKAMEE - You were probably cute when you were 19 and I may have even picked you up in a Trannie bar at one time, but all the JESUS shit is pure crap! The worst thing about the BABTISTS is, that they don*t hold them under the water long enough! RON PAUL - Yes Ron my love, I know you want us out of Iraq IMMEDIATELY, but how long should witches, pagans and homosexuals be tied to the stake before setting fire to it??? MAYOR 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/119/119/119/119/119/119/119/119/119/119/119/ . Now what was his name again??? Oh yeah New York Mayor 9/11! Hey MARY you look better in drag! Why don*t you have a sex change and marry the POPE??? Then you can both do the MUSSILINI all the way to ROME! Or will you both be having din din at Larry Craig*s house??? Mayby he can give you some lessons in TAP DANCING??? MITT ROMNEY - Oh shithook, it*s bad enough having a Catholic or Babtist running!!! Do we really need some religious extremist PSHCHO who believes that some ancestor of Donny Osmond found the rest of the BIBLE hidden under a rock??? And that Native Americans are the Lost Tribes Of Israel??? Or that we all came from MARS??? What a nutjob! Mayby you can team up with Tom Cruise and set us all straight with God and with our future UFO Alien Invader Saviours!!! WHO ELSE IS RUNNING ON THE REPUBLIKKKAN SIDE? OH WHO FUCKING CARES??????? THEY ALL NEED TO BE SPANKED, PUT ON MEDICATION AND FORCED TO HAVE SEX WITH ANN COULTER WHILE ON SUGAR CUBE LSD!!! by Jayne County PS. Don*t worry, I will get around to the DemocratSS soon enough!!!