Friday, August 3, 2007


JAYNE COUNTY*S COMMENT ON THIS SICKENING ACT OF TERROR!!! King George Bush in not content to destroy the planet, murder people in Iraq and lie his way thru the GATES OF HELL, he now wants to murder innocent animals!!! What a low life PIG!!! This tyrant has to be STOPPED!!! Read on and see what this sorry excuse for a sub human has in mind for some of our most precious wildlife! Jayne County

Dear Renee,The airplanes and helicopters stand ready. The guns are loaded. And if the Bush Administration gets its way, an airborne assault on hundreds of wolves in the northern Rockies could begin as early as October. Make no mistake: we can still come to the wolf's rescue. But in this last critical week, we need to immediately ramp up our Internet campaign even further to get more Americans to submit online Citizen Comments -- while the Bush Administration is still required to take public input on its cruel plan for slaughtering wolves. With your support that's exactly what we're going to do. Please make an online contribution right now so the NRDC Action Fund can rally hundreds of thousands of Americans against wolf extermination before the crucial August 6 deadline. Donate now We are arming the media with the damning facts of the Bush Administration's cold-blooded plan... organizing key opposition in both Houses of Congress...and reaching out to millions of Americans who haven't yet heard that wolves will soon be caught in a deadly crossfire.Let's face it: most Americans would be outraged to discover that our own government plans to gun down the greatest living symbol of endangered wildlife. And they would be horrified to learn that airplanes and helicopters have already been purchased to do the job of mowing down packs of wolves in a matter of minutes. But most Americans won't know any of this unless we get them the facts...and empower them with an easy way to register their opposition on the Internet in a matter of seconds. Your gift will help us build a tidal wave of protest against the Bush Administration's wolf-killing plan -- and greatly increase the odds that the "Open Fire" order will NOT be given come this October. Please help give wolves a reprieve by making an online contribution right now. With one final week left, we need to harness the immediacy and power of the Internet to mobilize America in defense of wolves. It's their last, best hope for survival. Sincerely,Frances Beinecke PresidentNRDC Action Fund